[Revelar theme] Prevent featured image from showing in post?

  • Hi,

    Is there a way to prevent the featured image from showing again in my posts? I already start all my posts with a separate image and do not want two in a row.

    Additionally is it possible to change post title colors with css?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Also what was the css for limiting image width in posts? I used to have it at 800px but I changed theme and the css has gone so now some images are showing up very big

  • Hi there!

    Do you have an example of a post where you’re seeing the duplicate? And a link to one where the images are too wide for your liking?

    I looked but neither jumped out at me yet… If you can provide direct links with details, I’ll take a look! :)

  • I edited the image width and deleted the duplicates in some of the more recent posts.

    These two posts are the latest ones I haven’t edited

    The final weekend: a look back

    Stoke-on-Trent – Nottingham: a look back

    So you see the image shows up as the featured image and then once again because it is included in the article.

    Plus the images are much wider than the text unless I manually alter every image of every post. I used to run Spun theme but don’t remember the css code that limited image width in posts.

  • Ah, okay. Thanks for the additional info.

    You could add the the following CSS to hide the Featured Image within your blog posts:

    .entry-thumbnail {
    	display: none;

    For the image width, the Revelar theme adjusts the width in response to the width of your screen, so on larger screens the images will expand beyond the text width, but as it gets smaller it’ll come into line with the text edges. Are you wanting to change how images are handled by the theme?

  • That worked, thanks.

    The image width css was something like limiting the content area – like a margin that everything gets resized to fit without me resizing everything. The limit was 800px I think.

  • Okay, makes sense. You can limit your image width to match the post text width (and adjust along with it as screen size changes) with the following CSS:

    img.size-big, .wp-caption.caption-big {
    	max-width: 800px;
    	margin: auto;
    	width: 100%;
  • That’s great, thanks.

    And one final thing now that I’m here – is there css to make post title font larger (in the posts, not on the front page)?

  • You’re welcome!

    This will adjust the post titles on the individual post page only:

    article h2.entry-title {
    	font-size: 150%;

    I have the same question. I switched from Fontfolio to Revelar.
    Then, I saw that the “front page” of all recent posts won’t show ANY image unless you have a featured image, so I started assigning featured images to those posts that have only one image.

    Then saw that every post starts with a GIANT version of the featured image. Is there some way to turn off that GIANT duplicate of the featured image? I just want my post to show up like I made it. Thanks.

  • @6cats — Hi! The Featured Image on this theme is made to display large across the top, so you may want to remove the image from your post to avoid a duplicate. (It varies by theme though, so you’ll want to consider what happens if you switch themes again soon.)

    Or if you decide to add the Premium upgrade, which allows custom CSS, you could use the CSS I shared above to hide the featured image on your posts pages (so that it would show on the front page, but not at the top on the individual post): https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic/revelar-theme-prevent-featured-image-from-showing-in-post?replies=10#post-2600505.

  • Thank you Sarah. I don’t want to change all 491 of my posts, so I think I’ll try shopping around for a theme that better suits my needs.

    I appreciate the quick response.

  • After doing a bit of theme shopping, here’s the epilogue… :-)

    The TRITON LITE theme gives me the front page I want, plus the size of image, and it doesn’t put an extra copy of my featured image at the top of my post.

  • Glad you found one that works the best way for you! Thanks for sharing. :)

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