Reusable blocks

  • Hello,

    For the past few days, I can’t name reusable blocks right after creating them. I now need to go to the blocks index with the list of all the blocks. Is there a faster way to rename them (like it was possible before)? I use a lot reusable blocks, but now I’m wasting quite some time because of that extra step.

    Thanks in advance

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I see you have 201 re-usable blocks, that might lead to some lag when editing and working with them.

    A lot of these seem like one-off uses, that you may not need to use them again.

    Is there any particular reason you have so many?

  • My website is about sharing news and official links for Asian series/movies. So whenever I talk about a serie, I add a reusable block with buttons whch link to the page with all the serie infos, and to the tag of that serie (people never look at the tags at the bottom of the posts). I don’t change them into “regular blocks” because some time I need to edit them, and it’s faster if I can change all the buttons at once.

    I also use blocks for organizing my posts (like spaces, since the blocks tend to be too close from each other).

    I have around 200 series/movies now, and this number keeps growing. But I don’t think it’s because of that. It’s more about the changes that appeared on how the blocks appear on screen now. Before, we could edit the name on the block itself, same thing for saving the block. Now, it’s on the right side. I sorted it out but I looked for it for a while.

    But now, I have another issue. Some of my blocks (some created in April, and some created last week) just went wrong and doesn’t work anymore. If I go on the block editor page, it shows the blocks are blank. I tried to edit them, but it doesn’t seem to work.


  • I’m not sure I understand the issue you are having with naming your reusable blocks. I tested this on your site, and I seem to be able to do it without issue. You can see I recorded a video of creating a new reusable block here:

    In my video you can see that I am:

    1. Choosing the option to save the block as reusable
    2. on the right, giving this new block a name
    3. when the post is published, you can see the popup is asking if you want to save the block
    4. Publishing the post, then checking the list of reusuable blocks to confirm the new one was saved with the correct name

    Once you publish your post, any new reusable block in that post is saved. Are the steps I am taking different from what you are doing on your end? What if you try to create and name a reusable block using the steps you see in my video. Does that work for you instead?

    Thanks for the additional info!

  • As I said in my last reply, I already sorted it out, but thanks for the steps by steps ^^ (when I opened this topic, the steps were different and I was struggling out for finding the new way of naming the blocks).

    But now, a new issue : some of my blocks went wrong (cf the screencaps in my last reply). Is there any way to make them work again? If I have to make new ones and replace them everywhere, it will take me hours, so I would like to avoid it of possible (and there is no guarantee that the new blocks won’t go wrong again).


  • Hello there,

    But now, a new issue : some of my blocks went wrong (cf the screencaps in my last reply). Is there any way to make them work again? If I have to make new ones and replace them everywhere, it will take me hours, so I would like to avoid it of possible (and there is no guarantee that the new blocks won’t go wrong again).

    I’ve taken a look at the screenshots:


    I can’t seem to see where they’ve gone wrong exactly? Are you able to share more details about the issue faced please?

    Many thanks in advance.

  • Sure, no problem :)

    1st picture : The icon of Space 10 is not supposed to be like that. All the blocks which gone wrong have that weird icon now.

    2nd picture : As you can see, when I checked what was inside Space10 (via the blocks editor), there is nothing in at all (it was supposed to be a spacer of 10 pixels). It’s the same for all my blocks with the same weird icon, they are all blank, they just got wiped off.

    At first, when I saw for the 1st time a block like that, I thought I did something I shouldn’t have. But there are too many of them now, included blocks I didn’t use for a few weeks. I discover new blocks gone wrong every day, so I’m starting to worry. I mainly use WP because of reusable blocks, but if they are acting up like that, I don’t know what to do.


  • At any point did these re-usable blocks reference other reusable blocks?

  • No, I don’t link my blocks among them (if that’s what you mean).

  • I think I understand you’re saying the content of the reusable blocks is getting lost somehow, is that right?

    Not so much that the icons are changing, but that the icons are changing because the content of the block is no longer there.

    A few thoughts:

    Can we start a new thread with this new issue, and give it an appropriate title? That way if others are running into the same thing they’ll be more likely to find it.

    Can we try to figure out what’s happening just before the block content disappears? We’re going to need to duplicate the issue if possible, so we can find a solution.

    In the meantime, if you edit the block and add the spacer back, does it work appropriately again, in that it’s appearing in articles where you’ve previously added it?

  • Yes, that’s my issue :)

    Sure, no problem for the new thread.

    I have honestly no idea how it happens, I’m not sure I can help much with that (especially since I’m not the only one using the site). As I said, it affects blocks I use all the time as well as blocks I didn’t use for several days/weeks. And I can’t recall anything unusual except that it started around the same time I noticed changes with the naming process of the reusable blocks (and the way the articles are saved up now… I’m still confused why WP asks me to save the changes made on reusable blocks even if I don’t modify them)

  • Thanks, if you’ll start a new thread that would be really helpful.

    Also, since you aren’t the only one on the site, would you be wiling to check in with the other users, OR, if you have another site can you test using blocks there on your own to see if there are any issues?

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