Retrieve Deleted Domain For Transfer

  • Context: I recently deleted a domain because I wanted to use it with a hosting service on rather than I did not realize that:

    1) I could connect my domain to the hosting service through

    2) It would take 30 days to fully delete domain and show back up in the domain list.

    3) It could increase in price after getting put back up in the domain list.

    Question: Is there any way to retrieve my domain and pay for it through with the sole purpose of connecting it to another hosting platform. This would mean I am ONLY paying for the domain and not any of the website builder plans (Starter, Explorer, etc.). P.S. My account is not deleted, only the domain as of today.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there,

    You canceled the domain within 5 days of registering it, so it should be available again soon. Once a domain name is deleted by the registry at this stage, it is immediately available for registration by any registrant through any Registrar, which happens shortly after the 5-day grace period.

    We can immediately restore the domain for you within those 5 days, but after that, we no longer have control over it. So, depending on where you want to register the domain (with us or elsewhere), you should decide ASAP how you want it re-registered.

    You can always point the domain over to your host from until the 60-day transfer lock is lifted (where you can transfer the domain anywhere you please). That will at least guarantee you will get it back without any potential complications.

    Let me know.


  • Appreciate the quick response, preferably I would want to immediately restore the domain so I can use it on a site with (or something similar). Do you think the safest method (not lose the domain or pay any extra) would be to have the domain immediately restored within, then just connect the domain to via DNS?

    Also- if I did do that, would I need to pay for an annual plan, or would I just be able to use the domain without paying for any of the website builder plans? Thanks for your help.

  • Yes, recover it. Thank you staff at WordPress.

  • Hi there,

    I have sent you a manual payment to the email connected to the account you are contacting us from. Please provide the payment for the domain subscription ASAP and then post in this thread to confirm that the payment has been made. Then, we’ll proceed with restoring the domain for you. Let me know if you do not see the manual payment email in your inbox.


  • Payment just went through. Thank you very much for your help.

  • Thank you for the payment. I have restored the domain back to your account. Please let us know if you have any questions. Thank you!

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