Rescheduled posts are not reappearing at the front in reader

  • Hi,
    I am running a self hosted blog which is connected with wordpress via Jetpack pluggin.
    The published posts are appearing in reader normally. But whenever I update the published time to a future time, posts are not reappearing at the front in reader even after the scheduled time [ I wait for an hour, still it’s not showing up]. Instead posts remains in the initially published time stamp itself in the reader. But the admin page is showing the latest published time itself for the post. I would like to have my posts reappear at the front in reader after a reschedule.
    For example, I have scheduled a post today morning 8 AM IST and it was published on time. Now half an hour before, I rescheduled it to 12.02 PM. The admin shows it as published a few minutes back though in my reader it is still hours back published post. It hasn’t appeared in the front in the reader

    Expecting your support to rectify my issue.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    In this forum we can only help with sites so I recommend posting to the support forums for advice.

    Regarding your problem, the post scheduler does not have anything to do with Jetpack and from what you are writing I believe this is something that has to do with the timezones and the timestamp you are using. Make sure that your WordPress installation has the right timezone and you keep a track of the difference between the timezone setup and your actual timezone.

    If this does not help it might be a good idea to contact your hosting provider to check the timezone setup over there.

    Hope this helps!

  • HI –

    Happy to take a look. Can you share a few post titles with me here so I can look for them in Reader.

    The time between publication and appearance in Reader should be pretty instantaneous, but sometimes there are issues.

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