Request to not be annexed by JetPack

  • Hello,
    I feel I was aggressively pestered and compelled to change from WordPress to JetPack.
    I started the process and it’s mostly completed save for actually finally deleting the WordPress app.
    I was going to switch to the Jetpack app as per their persuasive pressure but I find that for me it presents as an aggressive and typically corporate publishing system that for me has unfortunately brutally lost all the nature, style and preferences I felt I had with the WordPress app/organisation.
    I was actually wanting to ask to have all my poems, articles and postings copied and sent back to me to hold onto for myself instead. They are very intimate and personal for me and the way things are progressing as I percieve it, I can’t help but interpret that the new change to Jetpack doesn’t honor, reflect nor support my needs, nature and style.
    Is this what I need to do officially for myself or is there some other way of approaching you and communicating my deep regret of associating with the new takeover style of Jetpack.
    I would greatly appreciate a response from yourselves soonest as I am a disabled person of 63 years and have many postings over many years on WordPress with respect to my personal life journey. I feel deeply they are very personally mine and I would hate to lose even one of them to what I fear feels like an insensitive monetized, corporate merger.
    I would greatly appreciate your most urgent response to my personal situation and request.
    Kind regards,
    Lloyd Martin Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @alalohwhydee, the WordPress app has had several features that were exclusively available through Jetpack. We are separating those features from the “core” app.

    The Jetpack app will have all of the features of the WordPress app, plus the Jetpack features you’re used to, so we do recommend that option. Or you are welcome to use the WordPress app instead, but we don’t recommend using both apps at the same time because of possible conflicts.

    Also, please take time to review your site from a browser (you can just click here to see that). If that’s missing content that you can see in your offline app, please let us know. Otherwise, you’re safe to switch over. I hope this helps!

  • It is more the honest simplicity and uncluttered format of WordPress that in my opinion does optimum justice and adds value to the store of my personal writings. Jetpack is a much harsher and may I say vulgar and aggressive corporate marketing interface that in my opinion has a detrimental effect on the nature of my words.

    I would far prefer the WordPress format for my style of writing than the More aggressive Jetpack style and format.

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