Request: search function implemanted on our forum profile page.

  • I just wanted to express a idea of possibly having a search function
    implemented into our forum profile page it would benefit wordpress members
    especially the forum volunteers because right now it is hard to find previous
    forum threads that we have replied to in the past that we would like to refer
    to so we can supply helpful information for the wordpress members that stop by
    the forum.

    If you like this idea please provide your reasoning below
    so staff can see why this would be beneficial for the wordpress
    community that have allot of threads on there profile page.

    I also sent this request to staff.


  • i’ll second that, but really i’d just like a proper search function on the forums itself. right now, even googling our forum will get us the right thread more often than searching using the current search here. it’ll be better to have a better search function on the forums itself. i remembered that it used to be pretty accurate, but then one day it just sort of broke down and remains so till now.

    previously, we are able to track on the threads we started through our forum profile, but not anymore now too. why’s that?

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