Request for Assistance – WordPress Website Experiencing Indexing Drop – Pages Ma

  • Dear WordPress Experts,

    I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out to seek your guidance and assistance regarding a critical issue we’ve encountered with our website. We have implemented WordPress as our CMS, utilizing Elementor for page building, and Yoast for SEO optimization.
    Issue Overview: We initially observed impressive results with a 90% improvement in crawl and indexing rates in first five months after launching the website. However, starting in December, we noticed a significant decline in indexed pages, accompanied by the ‘Crawled – currently not indexed’ status for these dropped pages in Search Console. Despite our team’s efforts, we are struggling to identify the root cause of this issue.

    Previous Discussions: I want to assure you that we have extensively discussed this issue with Google support, Elementor, Yoast, Cloudflare, and Nitropack services, all of whom suggested reaching out to your team for insights. From these discussions, there have been no indications of issues from their respective ends. Our SEO experts are doing their best to examine all aspects, but we are struggling to identify the root cause.

    Request for Guidance: We are eager to resolve this matter promptly and would appreciate any insights, suggestions, or guidance you can provide on troubleshooting this issue. We want to ensure that we haven’t overlooked any potential mistakes in our web pages structure, coding, content, or any other factor that may be affecting our website’s performance.

    For your analysis, I have provided some dropped URLs related to our local SEO efforts targeting schools, counties, and towns in the UK:

    Your expertise is invaluable to us, and we are confident that with your guidance, we can address and rectify this issue effectively. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter.

    Best regards,

  • Hey there,

    It looks like the site you are referring to is hosted with self-hosting: You can learn more about the difference between and here:

    WP vs.
    6 min read
    WordPress powers millions of websites, from bloggers and small businesses to massive news sites and companies. This guide will help you to understand the difference between and, and which might be the best fit for your website. Overview of Differences The same WordPress software powers both and sites. One of the main differences is ho

    In this case, I recommend reaching out to your hosting provider, or the community for further assistance. If you are interested in transferring your site to we would be happy to assist with issues such as this one in the future and you can learn more about moving your site over here.

    Hope this helps!

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