Request Feedback Feature Missing

  • What a crock to remove it – yes I see that I should add a stranger as an editor to my site – that is a pile of work for one post and a severe security breach was anyone thinking when you did this?? This will cost me probably hours of extra work to format something I can email to someone – they are a historian and I really want to make sure my post is 100% accurate. To ask them to go through the signup process is a real hassle and waste of their valuable time and I doubt they would want to – plus it takes a lot of extra time – and exposes my site to damage if someone just does an accident.

    Why was it removed and security of a site compromised? Makes no sense to me – I have used the feature many times in the past and got some very valuable – one time the changes reduced the chance that I might have been sued if someone used a product wrong

    Sorry but what a crock – and this is not the first very useful feature to have been removed in the last few years.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @auxclass, that feature has been gone for quite a while. It takes quite a bit of effort to maintain code, and unfortunately that particular feature was rarely used, though we have provided feedback when we’ve heard complaints like this.

    The current workaround is to encourage them to create an account (you could even make one for them) and have them log in to view it privately, but again, I’ll note your feedback.

  • Editor is a lot of power, asking someone to set up an account for 5 or10 minutes of fact checking is a lot of work for someone that in this case they are not getting paid but doing this as a courtesy. Many ways for an editor to trash something without evn trying, and I speak from personal experience.

    Yes I could set up another account and sent the login – but still a security issue and I need to get a new email and all that hassle and save the useless account info.

    The safest is to reformat the gallery, edit all the captions, then PDF the preview send the PDF to the person, then change thing back and a lot of extra work for me.

    Sorry not a well thought out change.

    A few years ago you took a config button away, again because it was not used a lot, well duh – it was a button you used once when setting up a new blog then never again, deleted by sorry a moron that did not understand how configuration works.

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