Replacing Texts In Published Posts?! HELP!!!!

  • I try to accomplish this:

    I have a blog with hundreds of posts posted already, but i have posted some text (for example a banner code in html) that I need to replace (the banner is outdated!).

    I have not found an easy solution to
    search and replace text in ALREADY PUBLISHED posts…

    beside.. going inside the posts manually and change them all (not a real prospect to do that with 879 posts and find the maybe 253 ones that have the old out dated banner in the html code).

    Anyone a solution on how to replace texts?!


    contact me via: (no that’s not the blog
    I am talking about here..)

  • Yes, if it is a blog you will have to change it in every single post. I wish I had some other suggestion, but the only other thing I can think of is if the banner is a widget rather than embedded into each post, you should be able to replace the image file associated with it and it should change it for everything in the blog.
    Can you give us an example of a post with the outdated banner so we can see? Hard to give suggestions when every possibility is hypothetical.

  • I was thinking of a similar scenario sometime back.
    With so many off line editors like blogDesk and LiveWriter capable of pulling last 10 or 25 or 50 posts , make changes and republish again — Wish they could provide a similar feature some time in the future – Global search and replace :)

  • Export the whole blog as an xml file
    Save a copy!
    Run a search/replace (carefully) on another copy
    Import the now changed file

    But what banners? For a blog here?

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