Repeat commenter won’t go away . . .

  • In the comments section for a recent post, I got a comment from a new reader. I thought about deleting it, but then decided to attempt a reply, thinking it might develop into a decent topic for discussion. Now, after about five comments sharing the same thing, I want to prevent this commenter from posting on my blog again without my approval. In other words, I want to leave what comments are there alone, and at the same time place this particular commenter under the banner of “always needing moderation” if that makes sense. Is there a way to do this . . . I know I can turn on moderation for all comments. I do that now. But once I have approved someone, they can post without moderation. I like this, and don’t want to stop doing it this way. I just want to keep this *one particular* commenter from being able to post willy-nilly on my blog any longer.

    Suggestions . . . ?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • On your dashboard, go to settings – discussion. You can list keywords which will either blacklist a comment or set it to be moderated. Use the commenter’s name, email, or other identifying feature.

  • Sweet. Such an easy fix. I really need to have my first coffee of the day . . . quickly!

    Seriously, thanks for the tip.

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