reorder pictures in gallery

  • hi,
    on vacation I used three different devices for taking pictures.
    in my post I wanted to use pictures of all three cameras. I selected the ones wanted, and found out that after the post had been published, the picture arrangement in the gallery was divided into three subgroups, all itself in chronolocigal order though. (I had first all the pictures taken with camera 1, then following the ones with camera 2 and last camera 3. which was, eh, not what I wanted.)
    I did not like to have the three separate groups of pictures, but only one big group where all the pictures of all the three cameras together are sorted by “date taken”. (I can arrange my pictures this way in my folders on the laptop, but apparently not here in wordpress.)

    in the end I ended up rearranging the pictures manually, which was quite a lot of work, as there is also no way of seeing more than about 16 pictures at the same time.

    is there any (easy) solution for my problem?

    thanks, christiane

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, Christiane.

    I’m afraid I don’t see an easy way to do what you want. You could use image editing software like Photoshop to rename all of the photos from your various cameras. Then they should appear in order according to the filename. Try it with a few and see if that works for you.


  • Hi Brian,
    I guess that’s what I have to do. I thought of it when inserting the pictures, but then it was already too late.
    I’m sure though that that way will work. It’s just, eh, more hassle … ;)

  • In the long run, for anyone who works with dozens or hundreds of images on their site, I would suggest creating a site upload folder with sub-folders on your hard drive and use a naming convention like the post date to name the sub-folder. Inside the folder, I arrange the images in the order I want to upload them and then rename the images with the post name, abbreviated if necessary. It has saved me countless times.

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