Renewing an expired domain registration

  • Hello. My domain registration through expired a few months ago because I hadn’t been checking my emails and my credit card expired.
    I only paid $26.00 previously for: domain registration, domain mapping, and private registration. How can I do this again? I’m only getting an option for $99/year

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey iftherebelight!
    If your domain has moved in to the redemption period or beyond then the price for purchasing it may be different than you originally paid. In order to register domains now you need to upgrade to a Personal, Premium, or Business plan. Each of those are billed yearly with the Premium plan coming out to $99/year.
    You can find more information on domain expirations here:
    I hope this helps. I’ve also added the modlook tag for staff review in case there’s any additional options available.

  • Missing information that will be required to recover the domain:

    1. What is the domain URL?
    2. What is the underlying URL?
    3. Exactly which username account registered the underlying blog and purchased the upgrade for it?
    4. When was the upgrade purchased?
    5. When did the expiration take place?

    Allowing a domain to expire
    When you allow your domain expire, it then goes through a process that can take several months to complete described at

    If you are in the grace period you will not have to agree to pay a redemption fee set by the domain name registrar that wordpress.COM staff cannot waive.

    Otherwise, if you want Staff to try to recover the domain for you then you will have to agree to pay the redemption fee.

    This thread is tagged this thread in the sidebar with modlook for Staff attention.

    If you’re logged into the account that is associated with your expired domain, they will look up its status and get in touch with details.

    If you are not logged in under the correct username account then clear your browser cache and cookies prior to logging into the associated account, and provide the domain URL here.

  • Hi there,

    I see you’ve also been helped with this already via chat, but our registrar has already restored your domain and it’s pointing to Bluehost again. It looks like you might need to reconnect it on Bluehost’s end before it will show your site again.

    Please let me know if you need any more help with this.

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