Renew expired domain

  • Hi – I accidently let a domain expire, and I need to renew it urgently. The purchases page of my account shows the receipts from previous purchases but not how to renew now.
    any thoughts? Unknown
    Jetpack: Unknown
    Correct account: Unknown

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • From what I can see you last renewed on 01-21-2022, which you can confirm here:

    However I do not see a renewal in 2023, and can confirm that has expired due as there was no payment by the renewal date. The good news is that we may be able to recover your domain, but there will be a late renewal fee to do so.

    Please check your inbox for the invoice we just sent, which will include a link to pay for the renewal of as well as the late renewal fee.

    If you do not see it in your inbox, please search for the subject “Payment request from Automattic Inc.” and be sure to check any spam folders. Also be sure you are not blocking emails from our donotreply address donotreply[at]wordpress[dot]com. If you are not sure which inbox to check, we send all email to the address you entered under your profile here:

    After you make payment the domain will be restored automatically but it can take some time. If you prefer you can let us know you’ve made payment here and we’re happy to check in on the recovery, thanks!

  • Thanks. I found the link email in spam and tried to pay, but get an error asking me to contact support. I’ve posted that as another message, but can you please help?

  • Thanks. I can see you’ve been able to submit a request with our payments team via email and they will follow up with you there.

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for completing the payment.

    I restored your domain to your account.

    You can manage your domain from the page in your dashboard.

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