Renamed then deleted original About page.

  • At the beginning, I changed the name of the About page to Home. Then,
    I wanted a static front page, so I created a new page, designated it as the front page, and also named it Home. Then I deleted (or thought I did) the one that had been the About page. Now I see if I want to post to my front page, so friends can Follow the blog, it has to be the original About page, but I dont know where to get it back.
    It IS still there, because when I make a post from the Dashboard, it shows up on the original About (Home) page, but it’s not on the Pages list. Where do I get to it? I see I could have just put the bit of content I want permanent on a sticky, right?
    site is
    Thanks for any help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Now I see if I want to post to my front page, so friends can Follow the blog, it has to be the original About page, but I dont know where to get it back.

    No, you do not need the original About page to accomplish your aim. If you want to display your posts on the front page, simply go to Settings > Reading and select “Front page displays your latest posts.”

    …so friends can Follow the blog…

    Your friends and others can be invited and encouraged to Follow the blog regardless of where you display the posts.

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