Rename "home" page

  • Hi there

    Does anyone know how I can rename the home page of this blog to “The Blog”.

    I have looked at posts posted in forums on this but they tend to be from .org members and so the advice is different (relating to .php, etc).

    Any advice would be much appreciated.

    Also, is it standard practice to have the blogs in the first page or “home” tab rather than a page of explanatory text? It seems to be standard practice. And it seems with blogs people will usually know something about the thing/project being blogged about before they get to the blog as they will arrive there via social media, website etc?

    Thanks for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • See here, esp. under “Other options, special cases and tricks”:

    Custom menus

  • Hi justpi,

    Thanks for this link. Having checked through these, I went to menu, pages, and view all. “Home:Home” was listed so I ticked to add to the menu, changed the name from “Home” to “The Blog” and saved the menu, but then when I went to view changes, it was still named “home.” Were these the right steps and did I miss anything out?

    On the right hand side of this menu item it is saying “custom” rather than “page” which sounds right.

    Thanks again.

  • If you renamed the Home item successfully, then you probably forgot to activate the menu you created (by selecting it from the Theme Locations pulldown).

  • Thanks justpi, that did the trick.

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