Removing Page Titles and Selectively Removing Header Title

  • I’m trying to do two things:

    1) I’d like to remove page titles from the top of each page that I visit. For example, when I visit the ‘Music’ page I do not want to see a title of the page displayed below the header image. I’ve tried deleting the page title in the editor form, but that deletes it from the page navigation in the header, so clearly a different method is required.

    2) I’d like to remove the header title from every page that is not the home page. If a user visits the video page, I’d like for the ‘Holiday Mountain’ header to disappear. Conversely, how would I remove the header image instead of the header title?

    Also, is there a way to add a solid white background to the Text widget? It is translucent by default/design.

    I have the CSS upgrade. Thanks a lot.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I have the same question…

    I hope someone has a solution!

    Many thanks!

  • @holidaymountainmusic
    regarding (1)
    The tab in the top nav menu doesn’t have to be the actual page title, so edit the pages and delete their titles.
    Go to Appearance>Menus and create a custom menu. Select your (now nameless) pages from the Pages module, click Add to Menu. Click the arrow at the right side of each page module to open it, type the title in the Navigation Label field. Click “Save Menu” select the menu from the Theme Locations pulldown, click “Save”
    Here’s a link to a custom menu walkthrough >
    There are many common errors, misunderstanding and misconceptions when creating custom menus and you can read about them here >

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