removing or changing the time and date of blog post?

  • How do I remove or change the date of posts, I am writing up about past events and would like to either hide the time and date of post or change it to the date that said event took place.

    any help appreciated !


    The blog I need help with is

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can change the date of a post by modifying it in the editor, no CSS needed. While you’re editing the post, click Status in the right sidebar, then click the date and you’ll get a date-picker pop up, which will let you change the date.

    Have you considered using a newer, responsive theme? If the site you’re asking about is – it’s running Twenty Ten, a 7 year-old theme that does not adapt to mobile devices. Sites running can’t be read easily on a phone or tablet. A newer responsive theme you might want to look at is Colinear, which has a single-sidebar option.

  • Hi kathrynwp!
    thanks million.
    How do I remove the date of posts?
    what you mean the theme Lovecraft about?


  • To hide the post dates in Twenty Ten you would need some Custom CSS, which is available with the Premium or Business plans. Newer themes have the ability to hide dates in the Customizer’s Content Options panel.

    I’d like to make a suggestion, though, which is to turn your current posts into pages. Pages are meant for information like Services that aren’t usually presented chronologically, and they don’t display dates. Posts are usually used for thing like blog posts and news articles. You can learn more about the difference between posts and pages here.

    what you mean the theme Lovecraft about?

    Not sure I understand what you’re asking here – did you have a specific question about Lovecraft?

  • Please let me know the theme Lovecraft is it new or old theme
    Does it adapt to mobile devices?

  • Yes, Lovecraft is a newer theme that is responsive, so it adjusts nicely to mobile devices!

  • We know this is an old post and sorry if this comment bumps it up in the threads, but we just wanted to say that we were using the Twenty Ten theme as well when we started our website. We loved it for it’s simplicity, however as the staff member pointed out, it doesn’t “evolve” with the device it’s being viewed on. We are now using Colinear as we wanted a three column website that could handle the amount of information we want to be viewable at all times. We absolutely love how it adjusts to all device screen sizes whether viewing on a smartphone, tablet or computer. We also love how customizable it is as far as layout options are concerned. You even get an extra widget if you use both a right and left side bar all on the same side of the template. We have found Colinear to be the best option for our type of website/blog.

    You can see how we’re using it at

  • David – I’m so glad you’re liking Colinear, that’s great to hear! I’ve passed along your feedback to Thomas, the theme’s creator.

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