Removing Domain from WordPress for re-use

  • Hello, I previously had premium and re-mapped a domain I owned to my wordpress account, and I tried to delete the entire site and use the domain elsewhere. I tried deleting the domain remapping, and tried to delete my wordpress account but now it won’t let me delete my wordpress account, and I cannot use my domain anymore elsewhere. I am asking how I can fix my domain so I can use it elsewhere, and also delete my account if possible. (It keep saying I need to remove my premium upgrades and I already did.)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Did you read and act on the relevant support docs?

    re: Canceling upgrades
    Every WordPress.COM blog has a sole owner. It is the person with the WordPress.COM username account who registered the blog under that username account and a single associated email address, and who is the original Admin of the blogs registered under that username account.

    You have to be logged in as Admin under the exact same username account that registered the blog to access the blog’s dashboard, cancel any upgrades, claim a refund for any qualified upgrades, and disable auto-renew. Dashboard > Store > My Upgrades. You can also disable auto-renew there.

    If you are not logged in under the correct username account then clear your browser cache and cookies prior to logging into another account

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  • Hi – is registered through GoDaddy. Are you trying to use it at or move it somewhere else?

    To use it here you’ll need to add a plan back to your account and follow these steps:

    To use it somewhere else you’ll need to reach out to GoDaddy for instructions since the domain is registered there.

    As for the account, you still have Premium Theme: Purpose as an upgrade which is why you haven’t been successful with deactivating the account. I can remove this for you, please confirm that it is ok to do so. Then you can proceed with the account deactivation.

  • Hi Liz, I have a question. I originally created an account through the wordpress website and mapped my domain I own on GoDaddy to the wordpress account. Then I have another GoDaddy domain ( and I went through GoDaddy not through the main wordpress website, and made that website through WordPress. I found that through the GoDaddy wordpress I could add custom themes to my website, and through the wordpress website I couldn’t add those custom themes. My goal is to be able to add a custom theme to (Avada Theme) either through the GoDaddy wordpress system or through my previous account and re-map the domain if possible. However, right now I have been reading that since I unmapped I cannot use that domain for another 2 years. I just want to be able to use my domain through WordPress and use the Avada Theme. If you could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

  • Hi –

    I think there’s some confusion about the 2 different versions of WordPress. Right now, is not hosted with us on Rather, it is using a hosting company and the installation of the WordPress software.

    This guide further outlines these differences:

    With a hosted site you can pick from any of the themes in our showcase at Avada is not listed there.

    You can use Avada with a self hosted WordPress site but not here on

    Does this all make sense? What other questions can I help with?

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