removing "Category:" from category page titles and adding image

  • I want to have pages based on categories, ex. lifestyle but when you click on the page it says Category: Lifestyle and I just want it to say lifestyle without the category. Also looking to add a header image for these category pages, not sure how to do so.

    on coherent theme currently-

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @fleurdelelie!

    Removing the Category: part of the category page titles is possible, but only with Custom CSS (part of a Premium Plan or Business Plan). Even then, it would require a specific CSS style for each individual category, since you’d be hardcoding the name into place.

    You could try using a regular page with the Display Posts Shortcode instead? Then you’d have full control over the title :)

    Also looking to add a header image for these category pages, not sure how to do so.

    Posts and pages can have a Featured Image added to them, that some themes will use as a header image. Category pages are generated automatically, and don’t have a Featured Image option.

    If you switch to one of the themes on that link, then the option I mentioned earlier of using a normal page and the Display Posts Shortcode would help here as well, since you can add Featured Images to pages!

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