Removing Border! Help!

  • OK…I’m no CSS expert..but I tweaked the Kubrick Theme around a little to make my blog look simpler and stark really…
    the problem is…on each permalink page (that is, if I click on a post title and the post page opens)…there’s this grey border appearing on the extreme right…and I have NO idea how to remove it!! Please help!

    Also, while viewing the same page in Mozilla, there are two tiny lines of the same border-image right on top!

    I’m going mad…help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Kubrick is fussy and old. I think you could have gotten that look a lot faster with other themes. In any case, change background to none:

    #page {
       background:transparent url( repeat-y scroll center top !important;
       border:medium none;

    Your most recent photo loads very slowly, even on the highest posssible internet connection. It will load faster if you upload it to your wordpress space instead of leaving it offsite.

  • OK, now I officially love you…thanks a million!

  • You’re very welcome!

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