Remove theme border?

  • Hi! I’ve created this site for a friend/client and we’ve both put lots of work into it. She’s now decided she doesn’t like the black vertical borders on the far left and right sides of the Shawburn theme we’re using. Is there a way to use CSS to change them? I’ve figured out some CSS stuff on my own but this is over my head.

    Thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Are you referring to the black background? If so, is she wanting to change the color of the sides where the background is showing, or is she wanting to make the site full width so that the background isn’t showing at all?

    Based off of the CSS you already have added to the site, I am pretty certain you know how to add a snippet to change the side’s background color which is why I am uncertain this is what you are referring to. But just in case:

    Body {
    background: #444444;

    However, let me know if this isn’t what you are referring to and we’d be happy to further assist.


  • Thank you! I changed the colour to white, which I think is better, but now it looks like the menu bar is “floating” by itself. Is there a way to make the site full width so there’s no background (I tried Googling CSS codes for full width sites but they didn’t seem to help) or stretch the menu bar horizontally across the background?

  • This particular theme doesn’t have a full width mode specifically, and given the way it’s constructed, there’s a not a clear way to do so via CSS in this case.

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