remove the gay pride banner

  • First comes this forceful banner. Then WordPress will come with an article on how we should embrace ‘gay marriages’ forcing it on Reader feeds. Who knows maybe next time there will be a set of questions for people to register on the site e.g. 1. Enter your name, 2. Do you support gay marriages. Finally, users who do not support the Supreme Court ruling will start experiencing ‘technical difficulties.’ Freedom is dying. If it is right then why force it down our throats? *Currently checking Blogspot*

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’m also offended by the unwanted imposition as well. We shouldn’t have to hear it’s temporary, or some other lame excuse. The temporary fixes they recommend are junk, they should have put an opt-out option for people that are offended by it.

  • I understand how you feel. How hard can it be for them to have an opt-out option? Even better, why not make it voluntary for one to have the banner? Freedom is dying. They are now forcing their values on us while arguing that they are promoting liberty. Ironies of life.

  • ‘You’ have always been forcing ‘your’ values on ‘us’! Never mind, times are changing, though for me and those older than me, the implementations of human rights for ‘us’ come too late.

    Happy and proud to be gay, not so happy about this site.

  • I am glad that you are happy and proud to be gay even though no one asked about it. I am simply talking about maintaining neutrality when it comes to divisive and emotive issues. WordPress owes us that. I am talking about everyone, heterosexual or not. You justify what they are doing in the name of ‘they did it to us for a long time.’ That is a bit ignorant, don’t you think.

  • As mentioned in countless other threads, the banner is temporary. It will eventually be removed.

    Threads are being closed as as the public forum is not the place for these discussions.

  • The topic ‘remove the gay pride banner’ is closed to new replies.