Remove the categories and the date of the posts

  • Hi!

    I’m needing some help with the CSS customization. I’d like to make the posts’ categories and the date invisible in my blog.

    Thanks in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Liane,

    This will remove only the categories and date from posts. I’ve left the author name & tags intact; give it a try and let us know if you like it this way:

    .posted-on {
        display: none;
    .entry-categories {
        display: none;
    .single .byline:before, .group-blog .byline {
        background-color: white;
        content: ".";
        position: absolute;
        width: 13px;
  • Hi Ehtis!

    Thank you for the code. I actually went into another blog that I have here at WordPress and copied a bit of code that you guys had already given me for precisely this purpose! :)

    However, I could use some help with another issue, if you could help me.
    I’m using the Intergalactic theme and that theme already comes with a “Read more” button that displays at the posts page. However, when I manually insert the “Read more” tag on a post (to separate the post’s content), the posts page displays 2 “read More” buttons… Is there any way to remove one of them, or to make it invisible?

    The posts page of my blog is this one:

  • PS: I’m referring to the post that appears last on the posts page.

  • Hi again, Liane!

    This should get rid of the extra “More”:

    .entry-content p .more-link {
        display: none;

    I’m thinking it’s actually a bug in this particular theme, Intergalactic.

    For Staff, if you set the post format to anything but Standard, an extra “More” button will appear wherever in the post you insert a More tag. Thus, you end up with two “More” buttons, which looks awkward.

    Tagging this thread, maybe it could be looked at and reported.

  • Thank you so much for all your help, Ehtis! :)

    It worked like a charm!

  • I think I need your help with just one more thing…

    Is it possible to make the category name in this page ( invisible? Or to stop it from showing up at the beginning of the page, altogether?

  • Sure. This should remove it only from that specific category page:

    .category-the-hummingbird-album-experience .page-header {
        display: none;
  • Thanks! :)

    Turn out, there’s another issue, I’m not sure it’s a bug, or if it’s just the way it’s supposed to be with this theme…
    Is it possible to make the menu “thingy” float? Currently, when I scroll down the page, the menu button goes up and disappears along with the header. But I’d like it to be floating and to scroll down the page when I scroll down too.

  • It’s the way the theme is designed. We can change this behavior and let the menu float as you scroll down; it works fine on bigger screen sizes but for mobiles, it gets tricky and pages difficult to read. Give the following a try, works for desktop/laptop-sized screens:

    @media screen and (min-width: 1060px) {
    .menu-toggle {
        margin-top: 30px;
        position: fixed;
    .menu-toggle.x.toggle-on {
        margin-top: 24px;
        margin-right: 650px;
        position: fixed;
  • Thank you, Ehtis! It worked perfectly!
    And it only applied the change to the desktop version, too, which is great! :)

  • How cool is that! And you’re very welcome. :)

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