Remove Protection

  • I am a new blogger…I mistakenly clicked to add Protection on the blog post (and did not understand what that meant) and the post is published. I definitely do NOT want my post protected. How do I remove the protection? I have tried to find the Visibility again and it does not show now. Help!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    Can you send over a screenshot of what you mean here? I haven’t heard of this feature on

    I’ll also tag this as Modlook, so that staff could check your account and help you further!

    Cheers :)

  • I can’t see a modlook tag? You can edit the post by clicking the gear icon top right and “status” and then change from “password protected” to “public” and then “update”.

  • Hi there!

    @themagicrobot — Sorry, I forgot to add it. I was unsure about what the user was talking about the way they explained it.

    @awesomeattitudes — If you have more questions, please reply back to this thread. I will now tag it as Modlook, so staff can close and give any advice.

    Cheers :)

  • Hi there!

    @themagicrobot — Sorry, I forgot to add it. I was unsure about what the user was talking about the way they explained it.

    @awesomeattitudes — If you have more questions, please reply back to this thread. I will now tag it as Modlook, so staff can close and give any advice.

    Cheers :)

  • Howdy –

    awesomeattitudes, please give the steps a try that themagicrobot has shared. If you are unable to fix this with those steps let me know and I’ll take a closer look.

    …You can edit the post by clicking the gear icon top right and “status” and then change from “password protected” to “public” and then “update”.

  • Thank YOU a lot themagicrobot for your answer! I was so easy to do…I just did not know. Thanks again. AA2DS

  • Hi awesomeattitudes,

    It sounds like this is all sorted now but just let us know if you need any further help. Your plan also includes email and Live Chat support which you can access from this page:

    So you can reach us that way too :)

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