Remove links

  • I have a site I created 10 years ago and all the help info seems to be for a later version. I have, on my home page, some links that I want to remove and/or edit and no matter how I try I can’t either remove them or edit them. When I hover above the link, it says to hit shift-click but nothing happens when I do that. Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    How to remove links depends upon where they are found. Are they in pages or posts? In widgets? And if a link is in a widget, then it matters what kind of widget it is.

    When I hover above the link, it says to hit shift-click but nothing happens when I do that.

    I don’t understand how that action would delete a link, and I wonder where you found that instruction, but if you’re trying to delete a link from content in the editor of a post or a page, then one easy method is to highlight the link and then click the delete key on your keyboard. Another easy way would be to remove the link by holding the backspace down until the link is completely erase. In either case you’d then save the change by updating the post or page.

  • correction: “completely erased

  • Thank you for your response – I was unable to do any of the above but did find a way to hide the links. Crazy, it will allow me to edit my categories but not my links. At least the links are now hidden.

  • Good job finding a workaround.

    it will allow me to edit my categories but not my links. At least the links are now hidden.

    I believe you’re referring to the links displayed in the Links widget, which, if I recall correctly, was present in the sidebar widget area when I visited your site yesterday. The Links/Blogroll widget was deprecated last fall — see this post by @kokkieh in the forum topic Where is the blogroll widget?

    Since you already have Links and the Links widget set up on the site, you should be able to manage those links, including editing or deleting individual links, in the WP-Admin Links Manager. The image below shows how to access that page via the admin menu. Alternatively, you may reach it by adding the extension wp-admin/link-manager.php to the site address.

    Btw, seeing an old theme like Ocean Mist still in use really warms my heart. : )

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