remove images sidebar

  • Hi!

    I’m using the Ideation and Intent theme for my blog/website, and I love it except for the images sidebar that I didn’t know it came with until I published a new post that included a picture.

    I have since deleted the post and the picture (from my media library) but the sidebar will not go away.

    Is there any way to remove the sidebar (I have the custom design upgrade) or revert back to the way the website was?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Have you read the theme description?


    A custom Images sidebar has been built into Ideation & Intent. This sidebar will display images from the latest 10 posts that have image attachments. Up to 8 images will be displayed for each post and each image links directly to the post it is attached to.

    A second sidebar is available to use, but only if you choose to do so. You can customize its display by adding any number of widgets via Appearance → Widgets. Please note that this sidebar will only display if it has been populated with widgets. It will also be hidden when viewing single posts and pages.

  • Note: If you do not want to have a sidebar display on any theme here you place an empty text widget at the top of the sidebar, click to pen, click “save” and click “close”.

  • Thanks for the response. I did read the description, but too late :)
    I think I’ll just have to find another theme that is a better fit for what I’m looking for (ie. not photography).

  • You’re welcome and best wishes for making another choice. This link may be helpful >

  • I’d like to customise the 2nd image sidebar … Just to be clear, it does show up on the live site but I want to edit how it displays…

    The description below doesn’t help because my problem is that I don’t see a second sidebar IN THE DASHBOARD to customise…. ? I’m reasonably adept at wordpress but this is really doing my head in… :

    A second sidebar is available to use, but only if you choose to do so. You can customize its display by adding any number of widgets via Appearance → Widgets. Please note that this sidebar will only display if it has been populated with widgets. It will also be hidden when viewing single posts and pages.

    I’m talking about this site:

    Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.


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