Remove Domain Mapping

  • Hello, I’ve read through the forums and it appears that the only option to remove a domain that has been mapped to a install is to request it from support…(?)

    Inefficiencies aside, please remove my domain from my wordpress account.

    I will need the domain available for a new server that I’ve setup on a different host.

    Already pointed the new IP and set the nameservers properly, and it’s still not working, so in the process of elimination of potential issues, I’ll need the domain mapping to be removed / deleted as soon as possible.

    Thank you.



    Howdy all,

    This thread has gotten quite long and unwieldy. To keep things better organized and easier for staff to deal with, I’m going to close it.

    If you need help with a Domain Mapping upgrade, please go to this page:

    …scroll to the bottom, and fill out the “new thread” form. In the tag box, enter this tag:


    …to get staff attention.

    Thank you all!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    You have a domain mapping with us that you can delete from .

    Since you requested, I’ve removed the domain mapping for you and issued a refund. Please note that you’ll need to change the nameservers on your domain so that it points to the other host that you’re using.


  • Hello, I have the same problem / request.

    Please remove my domain from my wordpress account.

    I will need the domain available for a new server that I’ve setup on a different host.

    Already pointed the new IP and set the nameservers properly, and it’s still not working, so in the process of elimination of potential issues, I’ll need the domain mapping to be removed / deleted as soon as possible.

    Thank you.

    The blog I need help with is

  • Hello, I have the same problem / request.

    Please remove my domain from my wordpress account.

    I will need the domain available for a new server that I’ve setup on a different host.

    Best Regards

    The blog I need help with is

  • Hello, I have the same problem / request.

    Please remove my domain from my wordpress account. I will need the domain available for a new server that I’ve setup on a different host.

  • @moverell,

    I’ve removed your domain mapping and issued a refund since you’re still within the 30-day refund period. It may take a while for the refunded money to appear on your account.


    I’ve removed the domain mapping from your site. Please note that your domain was not registered with us at, it’s just pointed here. So if you want to point it to a different host, you’ll need to make changes to the domain registrar’s website. Your domain registrar is the company/website where you registered your domain.


    I can see you’ve already canceled the domain mapping from your site.

    Feel free to let me know if there’s anything else you need and I’ll be happy to help.

  • I have the same issue. I have just removed the mapping but it’s still sending me to my wordpress blog and I want it to go elsewhere (it works properly with www).

    Please help.

  • Hello, I have the same problem / request.

    Please remove my domain from my wordpress account.

    I will need the domain available for a new server that I’ve setup on a different host.

    The blog I need help with is

  • @luciamontes,

    I can see the domain has successfully been transferred out of I visited the domain and it no longer loads the site.


    I’ve canceled the domain mapping from your site and issued a refund for it.


  • Hello,

    I fear I have a similar issue.

    Could you please help me with removing the domain from my blog I know that I am no longer applicable for a refund, that’s fine.

    Is there anyway I can do this myself or does this require support?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

  • Hi, Ive got the same problem. I had bought a domain through wordpress previously. I would like to delink it so that I can use it somewhere else. I have cancelled it in “purchases”. Is that the right way to go and how do I go about linking it to the new host?


  • Hi i have the same problem and its been weeks..
    i created a help topic but nobody replied yet

  • @aisajib

    Will you please remove my domain mapping as well?

    thank you!

  • Hi, I’ve got the same problem. could you please remove my domain mapping as well?
    thanks a lot!

  • Hi @aisajib – looks like your the go to guy for this! Thanks for helping everyone out.

    I went to and canceled domain mapping for successfully – but it looks like it is still redirecting. It said it was canceled but would be available until expiration in March. Can you please make sure this mapping/redirect turns off so I can begin building my externally hosted site? Thanks very much!

  • I don’t think he’s helping us in here after the first guy.

  • Hi aisajib, is there any other possibility to ask for support with this problem? Thank you a lot for your help!
    all the best, Martina

  • Contact your “happiness engineer”. I started the direct chat with mine and he removed it within 5 mins :D

  • Hi nomnombooks1, I can see that the domain has been canceled from your site after you contacted us. Let me know if you need additional help.


    Your domain was registered with us here on If you cancel it, you will not be able to register it elsewhere. The proper way to move the domain to another registrar is to transfer the domain. You can find instructions to transfer the domain to another registrar here:

    Please note that you cannot do this until 60 days have passed since the date of your domain registration. I can see your domain was registered 52 days ago, so you’ll need to wait a few more days until you are able to transfer the domain.


    I’ve responded to the thread you created. It seems like your issue has already been resolved. :)


    I’ve removed the domain mapping from your site. Your site is now accessible on its free address.


    I’ve removed your domain mapping and refunded the payment as you’re still within the 30-day refund period.


    I’ve canceled the domain mapping upgrade. Your domain does not appear to be pointing to anymore. If you need to make changes to the domain, you may want to contact the domain registrar.

  • The topic ‘Remove Domain Mapping’ is closed to new replies.