Remove Category From Displaying when A tab is opened?

  • My question makes little sense, I’m sure but, on my blog if you were to go say, this link below:

    And you were to open up the “On the Appalachian Trail” tab the page will open and at the top of the page above the most recent post it reads “Category: AT Blog”

    Is there anyway to hide the “Category AT Blog” from displaying here or can I change it to say something else like just “AT Blog”?

    Sorry if I make little to no sense at all and thank you!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Howdy pieonatrail!

    It makes perfect sense! Thanks for the detailed description, it helps a lot! The following code should do the trick; however, it will affect all future page titles so I created a secondary code you can use that target specifically the pages of On the Appalachian Trail & On the Pacific Crest Trail.

    Code 1 (Affects the WHOLE site):

    .page-title {

    Code 2 (Affects only Two Pages):

    .category-50755824 .page-title{
    	display: none;
    .category-67241 .page-title{
    	display: none;

    The 1st code will help long-term but can affect certain pages you create if you want a page title to show that isn’t.

  • Seriously! That was amazing! I copy and pasted the codes you created and…wow, it worked and I didn’t screw anything up! Not yet ;)
    I know I must seem like a weirdo, but for someone like me who is technologically challenged, that was like…incredible! Thank you!!!

  • You’re very welcome! If anything screws up, we’re here to help you! Mistakes happen, it’s how we react to them that changes it. Being weird is good in my eyes, so you’re fine! Have a great day and happy blogging!

  • Hi, sorry it’s me again! How did you learn the codes that you created? Did you take a course on CSS? I am curious on how it works and wondering how you did what you did! Can I use these codes to not only remove the category from displaying, like you helped me with, but to change what displays to anything?
    Thanks again for your help…super interesting stuff!

  • I originally learned CSS growing up on MySpace and WIX. I used it every now and then growing up but got back into it being an IT major in college that required CSS courses in different coding languages.

    HTML & CSS are the basics of learning to code on the web. CSS has a variety of uses. There are places like codeacademy which take you through real steps to utilizing CSS in a site. If you go to, it provides insights for beginners and sources to learn about CSS both physically and digitally. You can also understand CSS layouting better at

    If you have more questions, please let me know! It may seem intimidating at first but, much like any new skill, gets better overtime with consistent practice! You got this!

  • How cool! Thank you so much for your info and insight. I’m going to work on it and see how I do, with out messing up my blog too much hope! ;)
    I may bother you again soon though!

  • Another solution would be creating a test blog by going to My Sites > Switch Sites > Add Site. Make a test site (call it or something). When you go to customize, if you click Custom Design you can click a Try Now button to play around with the css of a theme.

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