remove blog from Manage My Blogs

  • A blog that I belonged to for a conference continues to show in my list of blogs:

    I emailed the owner of that blog and asked to be removed from it and he told me that he removed me, but it still shows up in my list of blogs. All my blogs are with you,, and I have no interest currently in any others. How can I remove it from my list?

    I had an account to log into that blog, but it has been deleted, so I don’t know why the blog still shows up in my list of blogs I can manage.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I’ve just removed the linked blog from your account. Please let us know if you need any further assistance!

  • That’s the process? Email WordPress Support? Any chance you guys are working on a better way *for users* to delete blog from that list?

  • Yes there will be a means of users doing this in the future but there is no timeline set as yet that I’m aware of.

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