Remove Archive Page

  • Hi, I have a website with a podcast page. I can’t change the permalink of my podcast page: — it supposed to be /podcast but the archive is duplicating my page. Please see this page:

    Can anyone please help on how to remove the archive page so that my permalink /podcast will not duplicate? I’ve been searching but can’t find any answers. Thank you.

  • Hello there,

    Hope all is well and good with you!

    Thank you for your question about wanting to change the permalink of your podcast page.

    Your site is currently hosted outside of I would love to help however as your site is hosted with a different web hosting provider, it uses a different self-hosting platform which functions differently than what we offer on our managed WordPress services.

    I highly recommend that you reach out to the respective Web Hosting Support specialist for assistance on your site.

    Please do let us know if you have any additional questions, we are more than happy to help!

    Stay safe.


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