release my domain

  • I previously linked to my wordpress account, but cancelled this upgrade in March 2023. I own the domain and purchased it via
    The nameservers point to namesco nameservers, the dns settings point to namesco hosting.
    But I still can’t regain control of my domain, because is saying I haven’t paid to upgrade and therefore can’t use it.
    I want my domain back!!! Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This is the message that keeps appearing if I attempt to go to

    Also, if I look at DNS settings for my mailing list provider (, they also tell me that hosts my domain!

    Again, I stress that I cancelled my domain linking to in March 2023!!! I purchased the domain, originally, many years ago via (i.e. NOT via So as soon as I stopped paying for the link to, I should have regained ownership of my domain. Yet, over a year later, WordPress is holding my domain hostage!

    Yesterday, I checked the nameservers, and they were still pointing to WordPress – seriously??? I changed this and now the WhoIs lookup shows they point to nameservers. All DNS settings point to

    So why is WordPress still somehow holding on to my domain? It, frankly, feels like plain and simple theft! Give me my domain back!!!

  • Howdy –

    Thanks for sharing these details with our team. When I look up in our system, it is not showing as registered or connected here. The domain was never registered through, only pointed here for hosting through DNS changes. There are no DNS on that domain that are pointing it back to us at this time. Could you send me links to where you’re seeing this information that says otherwise?

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