Registry-> check email-adress and create a spezific role

  • Hello community,

    I have a problem and no solution yet, maybe someone can help me.

    I’ am creating a portal were two different roles exists, one for the teacher(Author) and one for the students (Subscriber).
    Each of this roles has his own Emailadress, so the teacher has the Email-adress teachergivenname.teacherfamilyname
    and the student studentgivenname.studentfamilyname

    What I wanna do now, is to check the ending of the Email Adress (@.smail) and give then the corresponding role. The question is, how can I do this. At the moment each visitor who is visiting the blog can registry as Subscriber and this is not what I want.

    I am grateful for every answer.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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