Regarding email id liked to contact form

  • Respected sir/ma’am
    I have recently updated my email ID with my WordPress account but I am still receiving emails regarding the contact form fill-ins onto my previous email ID. Kindly help me fix this issue and redirect my emails to the new (i.e. updated) ID. Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, it might take a little bit for the form to catch up with the change. Meanwhile you can update the Contact Form manually.

    When you are in the Editor where the the Contact Form appears, click on the Form block and in the Editor’s sidebar you should see the Email Connection module. Open that up and update the email address. Remember to save your Post or Page changes.

    Blocks (The Full List) » Form Block
    9 min read
    The Form block lets readers get in touch with you through your website. Use the Form block to add many types of forms, including a contact form, appointment booking form, event registration form, feedback form, and more. Video Tutorial How to add a contact form – Transcript 0:08 The Form block allows you to create a contact form on your website, so your visitors can get in touch with

    Give that a try and let us know if you need further help.

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