Refund of explorer renewal

  • Hello,
    There was an oversight and delay on my part over the cancellation of the renewal of WordPress Explorer for

    I humbly request your compassionate assistance in the cancellation and refund of the renewal. The chief reason of cancellation is the cost of renewal which at this point, is something I cannot afford.

    I understand it is my fault for being late to cancel the renewal and I deserve to bear the consequence of not being able to juggle the numerous crisis right now in my life, but I desperately hope you could extend kindness and mercy to the plight I am facing right now and extend exception to allow for the refund of the renewal fees.

    I would not go into details but your help would make a huge difference to the current state I am in.

    I humbly and desperately seek your understanding in this matter.

    Yours sincerely
    Ken Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Could anyone from WordPress respond please?
    There was no help on the WP web page except FAQs and bots.

Reply to Refund of explorer renewal