
  • Referrers – I may have mark a spam by mistake. Please make sure there no spam make as such since I welcome all traffic to my site. I think it was google-ads are something to that effect. Bu unmark any and all reffers that I may have marked spam.. I simply checking what the white exclamation was..

    Thank you.
    BroRando Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hello!

    Thank you for reaching out! After reviewing your account, I didn’t find any blocked referrers under your blog.

    You have the option to mark certain referral sources as spam to remove them from displaying in your stats. When you mark a referrer link as spam, it will be added to your personal spam referrer block list and won’t show up in your stats in the future. It’s important to note that marking a referrer as spam doesn’t prevent traffic from those sources; it simply removes them from your stats. However, please be aware that some trusted sources cannot be marked as spam referrers.

    If you change your mind immediately after marking a referrer as spam, you can click the warning icon again to immediately undo the action. However, please note that you cannot undo this action once you’ve navigated away from the Stats page.

    I hope this explanation helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.

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