Referral stats and landing page miss-match

  • The Page Views for The View from the Fremont Drawbridge are just over 50% of the referrals today from Three Sheets NW – seems to me the page views should be at least equal to the referrals. While there are several pictures viewed from the Gallery – still seems to me the Post should be close to the referral number then add any views on the gallery

    I have looked at the referral page and can’t seem to find any link to my site other than the Post itself (i.e. I don’t see my home page etc.)

    I know that there is some lag on some states (the visitor count for example tends to run behind) – but this difference has been all day.

    I have uploaded a screen shot to the Media Library with the time of the screen shot in the title – it is the most current image


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello, @auxclass

    The discrepancy here is caused by the images. If you click the + icon next to the stats for that post you’ll also see numbers for clicks on individual images in that post. If someone comes to your site via the referrer link and then click on an image in the post or in the gallery, that’s also counted under the referrer stat.

    This is intended behaviour.

  • Thanks, don’t have many Posts with Galleries so missed the extra count with the referrals – thanks for the info – just wanted to make sure counts were not getting lost – the Post is getting nice traffic and getting some important information to the local boaters

    You are well past the trial period so guess the job is working out well for you – good work & keep up the good help

  • Yeah, the information I found indicated that it should work that way, but it’s something that might be changed in future.

    The job is going very well, thanks, and I’m back in the forums full time so you’ll be seeing more of me again :)

  • making thing more complex for a few days is that two of the days I had a ton (for my site anyway) of Facebook and Twitter referrals and there is no indication where they were headed – so sorting out what did happen and how it happened is a mess

    thanks for double checking – seems to me the referral might be one of the stats that has changed over the years –

    Glad things are working out well – you always did a great job in the forum even when you were a volunteer

  • Referrer stats are tricky, yes. We’re not able to always determine where they come from, due to people using VPNs, proxies, or referral hiding services, among others, so it’s probably one of the more inaccurate items on the stats page.

  • I know the referrals are tough also because many sites like Facebook do not pass any info on from – so all we see is a referral and unless there is enough referral traffic to override the normal stats it is impossible to figure out what happened

  • Some time back I suggested that referrals such as Facebook or Twitter that don’t pass where from information – that the landing page be put in the stats so we would at least know where the traffic was headed – so if someone shared one of your articles on Facebook you would at least know what was shared – guess it is still pending maybe in some list somewhere –

    Oh well – thanks

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