reducing image size

  • I am a novice to blogging and I am wanting to reduce the size of images I upload onto I have already searched the FAQ which suggests uploading as a thumbnail, which seemed like a good idea, but I do not have this option on my Write -> Post page (I am using Safari).

    Is it possible to reduce image size using code? If yes, can you recommend a good site/link for familiarising myself with the code? I am not familiar with code but am happy to learn.
    Would I be better off using FireFox as my browser, ie would this provide the option of uploading images as thumbnails?

  • If you use the visual editor you can click on the image and then the picture icon (with the tree on it) and resize the picture in there.

  • I didn’t have the visual editor enabled on My Profile. I have since ticked the box to enable the visual rich editor in My Profile, saved the changes, and emptied my cache but I still have no visual rich editor. What am I doing wrong?

  • I think the changes are supposed to take effect right away, but try doing a forced reload of the page and if that doesn’t work sign out and then back in and check to make sure it’s still ticked. Sometimes it unticks itself for whatever reason.

  • I have tried doing all of the above, ie force reload, sign out and back in, confirmed the tickbox for visual editor is ticked, its still not working.
    I noticed on another feed “can only write posts in code” that drmike said that it depends on the browser being used. I am using Safari 2.0.4., could that have something to do with it? Will I have better luck using Firefox?

  • Yes, you will. WordPress does not get along well with Safari. Try it and let us know if it works.

  • Ok. I am downloading Firefox now and will try that as soon as it is operating on my computer.
    However, now I have figured out that if I export the image from iPhoto to Webpage (Share -> Export -> Webpage etc) and upload it this way I get the thumbnail option when I didn’t previously and it loads onto fine.

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