Reduce header size in Standard Theme and remove titles below header

  • I am trying to make the header smaller and to remove the tiltles below the header I think these are called biscuits?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there, biscuits is close. Officially they are called breadcrumbs, but I think I like biscuits better. :) To remove the biscuits, add the following CSS.

    .breadcrumb {
        display: none;

    The quick and easy way to reduce the size of the header would be with the following CSS. You can adjust the height as desired. The second rule centers your header stuff and maintains the resizing for smaller displays and browser windows.

    #header-image img {
        max-height: 250px;
        width: auto;
    #header-image.span12 {
        float: none;
        text-align: center;
  • I am new to all this. I have learned so much building my site and love it! Does it matter where in the CSS I put these instructions?
    This is how the CSS looks for my landing page No more diets

    #header {
    	background: #ffffff;
    #site-description {
    	color: #000000;
    #site-title a {
    	text-indent: -99999px;
    	background: url('') no-repeat center center;
    	display: block;
    	width: 560px;
    	height: 145px;
    #logo {
    	padding: 0 0 20px;

    Is there a particular place I can put this instructions so it removes all breadcrumbs (not biscuits :) from all pages?

  • In some cases, where it is in your existing custom CSS can be important. I typically always add to the bottom.

    On the breadcrumb rule, that is safe to put anywhere in your CSS.

    To keep things grouped a little, the #header stuff I would suggest putting below your #header background rule. Again, in this case it doesn’t matter really.

  • lovely that worked great! Thank you!
    Next I would love to be able to change the color, size and type of the title can you help me with this one?

  • Not the site title, the title of each page like No More Diets is now in plain black text and I can’t find how to edit it.

  • For changing the styling of post and page titles, add the following and adjust as desired. I included a font weight declaration set to 500. You can enter values between 400 and 800 (even 100’s such as 400, 500, 600, etc.).

    .post-title, .post-title a {
        color: #CC0000;
        font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;
        font-size: 32px;
        font-wieght: 500;

    On the font family, unless you are using the Custom Fonts available here, you have to use fonts that would typically be installed on a visitor’s computer since the browser will pull from there. If you use the Custom Fonts, more than the page/post titles might change (headings) so if you do not want the other fonts to change, we will have to go back in and change them back to non-custom fonts.

    You can look through the custom fonts available through Typekit at Appearance > Customize > Fonts. If you find one you like, go ahead and apply it and then we can change any other headings back to their original if you desire.

  • Hi there. I need help again. I am loving this WordPress site and I am starting to blog. I don’t understand if I should categorize my blogs or not or what categorizing with tags means. I’d love your input on this and if you recommend me to categorize them please show me how.


  • Think of categories as organizational tools although they also work like tags as far as search engines and such are concerned. With categories, you can have child categories, and even grand children, so if you had a broad category called Texas then you would have subcategories like East Texas and West Texas, and then you could even break things down further such as putting Big Bend under West Texas.

    Tags are typically used to describe posts in more details.

    We have a support document on Categories vs. Tags you may want to read through.

    I use tags very sparingly, but I do use categories since when I blog, I blog about a wide variety of things.

    Many bloggers use both, and both have their places.

    How’s that for being wishy-washy? :)

  • Hi I need HELP again so I went to change the category for my blogs to “Healthy Living” (although I would rather not have a catergory show on my page at all) anyway I did this and then when I went to my page and clicked on “blog” on the menu bar it does not load my blog page!!! I don’t know how to put them back.

  • Go to your custom menu, remove the “blog” category menu item from your custom menu and add the “healthy living” category.

  • Thank you! It was that simple :0

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