Redirecting from own domain back to site

  • Hi – hope you can help – after redirecting my blog to my own domain I want to come back to my blog. So I’d like to redirect back to

    How do I do this?? I’m sure it’s possible..

    Hope you can help.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This should do it $ 13.– / year

    Did you have the JetPack Plug-in installed also? If so your subscribers can be migrated back also – if you used another subscription service you should also be ok

  • You will probably need a zone record added – I have flagged this for the staff to help you

    You can also export the old blog and import the contents back here – caution – you need to do that before you change the domain mapping since the import process requires your old blog to be able to be reached to bring over media files

    also be aware that if you have media files that are not referenced in Posts or Pages that the files will not transfer – so to be on the save side – please using FTP make a backup on your PC of ALL the media files from your old site just in case

  • Hi – thanks for your speedy reply. I have already subscribed to the 13/year for redirect – is mapping covered under that or is it paid for separately? I have already exported everything so that’s ticked, thanks.

    Finally what is a zone record?

    thanks again for the link.

  • Site redirect sends traffic from to – – when you do the domain mapping you want to turn off Site Redirect

    Site redirect is not the same as Domain Mapping – but many people use Redirect when they really mean Domain Mapping

    Domain Mapping makes the name show up in the browser address bar when people visit – – domain mapping also makes the links work when someone types in – they end up at the right Post and web site / blog

    A zone record is a record that is needed to make some domain names work when they are used or domain mapped – if you try and add the Domain Mapping and you get an error message then you need one – overseas domain names usually need one added – should take the staff all of a minute to add one for you once they show up in the forum

  • Hi there,

    It looks like a DNS zone record has already been added. Please note that your domain is not pointing to name servers yet:

    Please go to your domain registrar’s site and log into the control panel. You will need to update the name servers as below:


    For more information, please visit the help documentation provided by the registrar and our support page:

    Let me know if you have any questions!

  • HI – thanks so much for your support – unfortunately it’s all gone a bit wrong and I don’t know how to fix it.

    I re-directed as instructed but the URL does not say it says so people can’t get to posts I’ve linked to – help!

    Do I need this zone record you mention below?

  • You need to go to your Domains page and set that as Primary Domain. That’s all.

  • Hi there,

    raincoaster is correct! Thanks! I have updated your primary domain for you and now your site can be found at

    Please note that if your readers go to, they will be redirected to

    Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

  • Amazing, thank you both! I’m sure I did that the other day but thanks for checking over.

    One last question. Do you know why some of the recent post images haven’t transferred over? Do these need to be re-uploaded?

  • Hi there,

    I found that some of your recent images were no longer in your media library. Can you try re-uploading them to your media library and attach them to your posts?

    Please let me know if that works!

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