
  • Hello
    What’s the difference between MAPPING and REDIRECTING?

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  • Hello

    What’s the difference between MAPPING and REDIRECTING?

    This can be really confusing, but here is how i like to explain the difference:

    Mapping a domain is like going down the same road but it’s been given a different name. Typically you already own a domain but want it to point somewhere other than where it originally went. You had a site here at WordPress but now have it somewhere else, so you map your domain from WordPress to the somewhere else.

    A redirect is like a road detour because of some road construction – you are taken on a different route entirely. You have 2 sites here at WordPress.Com, and want all the traffic from SiteA.WordPress.Com to go to SiteB.WordPress.Com

    They are very similar in function, and it is possible to Redirect to an outside (different hosting provider) place, just as you can Map to an inside (same hosting provider) place.

    Hope that helps!

  • Hi there,

    If you want your site to appear at a domain you already own, you need the domain mapping upgrade.

    If you want people who click on your free address to get taken to a completely different site, you need a site redirect.


    They are very similar in function, and it is possible to Redirect to an outside (different hosting provider) place, just as you can Map to an inside (same hosting provider) place.

    This is not really accurate. Mapping is what connects a domain to a hosting provider. It’s not necessarily internal – it can be used to connect a domain at one provider to a site hosted at a completely different provider.

    They’re also not similar at all. Mapping is used to connect a domain to a site. A redirect is used to re-route traffic from one site to another. I hope this makes it clearer.

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