Redirect Traffic from Blogger

  • Thanks to this forum, I’ve just cleared up my previous question Now I have a new one, just as pressing: it’s already been a week or two since I transferred my content from Blogger to WP. Since I can’t preserve my page ranking, I’m not so worried about Google penalties, but still want to discontinue having duplicate content online. My main concern at this point is to redirect traffic so that my current readers won’t be left in the dark and easily find me, therefore, simply deleting my old blog or making it “private” isn’t much help. I’ve seen many former Blogspot bloggers keep their old blogs (having either deleted or “hidden” their former posts) with a posting linking to their new URL. I know there is also a way to redirect automatically but don’t think it’s possible to do that from a sub-domain.

    I’ve done a Google search on this but haven’t found a helpful link so far. The last thing I want is for my readers to find a “this blog is closed for public viewing” with no redirect option. Help?!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The domain mapping will automatically change the URL for your readers. That’s why we buy it. They type in the root blog URLs and the domain mapping changes the URLs automatically seamlessly directing them to the new URLs in the new domain.

  • I understand that. But when I switched over to WP I also switched from to So with the different URL traffic will not be redirected. See my problem?

  • as an aside: why is my avatar not showing here? It shows up on my blogs and whenever I comment elsewhere… is it because it’s PG rated as opposed to G?

  • Expanding on this >

    The domain mapping will automatically change the URL for your readers.

    After the domain mapping is in place no matter which reader uses a direct link to the front page or the root blog or to any post or page in the root blog, the domain mapping will automatically redirect the URL they used seamlessly to the URLs to the front page of the new domain where applicable or to the same posts and posts from the root blog, which now have a new URL in the new domain.

    Yes, there are many blogspot bloggers who have duplicate content blogs. They are off-base. Do not do what they did.

  • But when I switched over to WP I also switched from to So with the different URL traffic will not be redirected. See my problem?

    No I do not see your problem. If you paid for the upgrade for domain mapping redirection and followed the instructions correctly then you do not have a problem.

    Did you or did you not purchase domain mapping from

  • Ok. I’ve been searching more on my side and I think things are coming together. To answer your question: Yes, I did indeed purchase domain mapping. I actually registered the domain elsewhere (before I figured out it was much cheaper to do it with WP) and then did the mapping, without difficulty.

    I’m sorry Timethief, but I don’t understand what you mean; I just don’t see how my traffic could be automatically redirected from to .com… but at this point I suppose it’s a moot point? My trouble is I’m a tech-twit. I can figure stuff out, but the lingo really throws me off.

    So far, since I had transferred my content to WP and hadn’t shut down the Blogspot blog, so you could access two versions of my blog, i.e. and (which brings you to the WP version). I’ve just now figured out that I can indeed redirect my blog via Blogger via “publishing on a custom domain” in the Blogger advanced settings. I tried it out and it seems to work fine.

    Now the only part I’m stumped about is “Use a missing files host?”. I’ve looked at the following and not sure which sub-domain I’m supposed to link to.

    Sorry about the multiple questions, but it seems that with every step, more unknown factors crop up. I really appreciate your feedback so far. Has been immensely helpful.

  • Another thing: I’ve gotten the following message:
    The DNS record for your domain is not set up correctly yet. If you just purchased this domain the set up process may take up to a day. Learn more.

    “learn more” brought me here:

    I purchased my domain a few weeks ago. Can you please explain this to me in plain English?

  • I give up. This is your second thread on this same topic and we are going round and round in circles. I apologize for being unable to assist you. Please either wait for another Volunteer to answer you or contact Staff directly >

  • ?? This is your second thread on this same topic and we are going round and round in circles. ??

    My first thread was about how to keep my page rank. I was told I couldn’t by you and others, so fine, I’ve moved on.

    My second question had to do with how to get traffic to be redirected from my blogspot subdomain, to my current WP domain. This was before I had figured out I could arrange this is the Blogger “advanced” settings. Like I said, I’m a tech-dummy, and hadn’t found my answer here or on google. so simple things like that take me time to figure out.

    Now that I HAVE resolved this 2nd issue, it leads me to a THIRD question, which is as above:

    The DNS record for your domain is not set up correctly yet. If you just purchased this domain the set up process may take up to a day. Learn more.

    “learn more” brought me here:

    I’m sorry if I didn’t make myself clear before. Hope this helps.

  • To make sure I’m being absolutely clear, I don’t know if that question about DNS record is relevant or not. I understand it has something to do with broken links being redirected, but I don’t know what sub-domain I’m supposed to direct them to as suggested in the “lean more” link I’ve provided above.

  • Dearest timethief, I have just now posted a tribute to you on my blog. I thought you might be interested, or at least a little bit curious. Best regards.

  • Hello, callmesmiler, For you to attain a accurate answer for this matter you will need to inquire with staff, directly here is their contact link, »

    I apology on behalf of the forum/volunteers for not giving you this answer sooner.

    Edit: Staff support is closed until Monday May 3rd

  • That’s great, thanks again t3ck! I’ll follow up on that this week.

  • Your welcome! callmesmiler, = )

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