Recursos de cada plano Resources

  • Eu vi aqui um plano no qual eu pagando 83 reais mensais tenho acesso a sftp, ssh e wp-cli, mas faltou o essencial, que é o tráfego suportado. Se o meu site tiver um pico e acontecer de haver 150 acessos simultâneios, o serviço aguentará o tranco?

    I saw a plan here where paying 16 dollars a month I would have access to several plugins, ssh, sftp, but the essential thing was missing, which is supported traffic. If my site spikes and there are 150 concurrent hits, will the service handle it? Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Whether it is the free or one of our paid plans, bandwidth is unlimited on, and many blogs on the platform receive 100k+ visits a day without affecting site performance. So, there should be no concerns about your site slowing down or not being able to handle large traffic spikes. The Business Plan will allow you to install custom themes & plugins, add additional code, etc., and handle high levels of traffic without issue:

    Hope this helps. For information on site speed and performance on, please visit:

    Let us know if you have any additional questions regarding traffic. Thank you!

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