Recuring article footers

  • I would like to add a few links to the bottom of my articles – bookmarks, referrals and such like – and was wondering if there is a way to set up and save a specific footer which can then be added to the bottom of any article?

  • You will need to add any extra, uniform content to each individual post. Save it externally to your desktop as a text file (or something similar), and just bring it up whenever you need to post (so that you can copy and paste).

    Alternatively, you can add the content to your sidebar, using a Text Widget. This will always be visible throughout your blog.

    Using the text widget

  • Thanks for the response Bubel. That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing. The longer I’m at WordPress the more great features I keep discovering, and I wanted to make sure that I wasn’t going the long way round something that could be done much quicker!

  • Someone who’s on the forums here wrote an app that will do social bookmarking buttons. I don’t know what else it does, though. It’s Windows only, and I try to avoid that monstrosity.

    Sorry I can’t be of more help :( I’m working on half brain power lately.

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