Recover old revision offline on wordpress android app

  • Hi all,
    I’m praying someone can help me with this as I’ve just lost hours of work.

    I’m using the WordPress app on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. Today started to type out a post on the app. I got as far as the title, tags and categories, and then I went outside and subsequently offline to continue. Whilst offline I typed up the entire body of the post (about 2 hours work, hence my despair).

    I finished up, left the post open in the app, closed my tablet and headed home. I later went to finish the post and publish it. STILL offline, I opened my tablet and was connecting my bluetooth keyboard. As the keyboard had not yet connected, when I opened wordpress (still open on the post) the tablet keyboard was up on the screen. I pressed the back button to close it, and I guess there was a delay and I pressed the button again, which actually then closed the post and saved it. Unfortunately somewhere in amongst that I guess I bumped a button or something strange happened but my entire post’s text disappeared. I noticed it disappear as I clicked the back button, then it exited the post and saved the now blank post.

    I have been SCOURING the net for help to try and recover my post. It seems (but I hope I am mistaken) that there is no way to see saved revisions in the app? Since this entire thing was all done offline, I can not hope to recover anything from the online site. this was only ever a local draft.

    Please please someone give me a miracle as I have just lost hours of work and I can’t bear the thought of having to type up my whole post again, heck I can not even remember everything, so it will take me about another 2 hours to retype :'(

    Is this something that I should be fearful of in future? is it better to type up all my posts somewhere else on my tablet and just copy paste them over? I can’t believe there was no undo option or way to see my previous revisions, it is a major glitch in the app because it is far too easy for this to happen again.

  • The Admin login link for that site is

    The saved draft posts are found at

    Hover over the post title and click Edit.

    The saved draft pages are found at

    Hover over the page title and click Edit.

    Staff are working on improving post and page revisions. The most recent 25 revisions are available for posts and pages.

    If you cannot restore from your browser, or locate a revision, or restore from Trash then the content has been lost and cannot be recovered.

    re: recovering a lost post or page
    Please go to with the same browser and see if it offers to restore a post. If a restore button appears, that means a local copy was saved in your browser and you may be able to recover it.

    If the post was created on the dashboard of your own blog at Dashboard > Pages > Add New then you ought to be able to recover a lost post or page from revisions if needed.

    See also if applicable > restoring from trash

    I recommend:
    1. Always create your posts on the dashboard of your own blog at
    Dashboard > Posts > Add New and pages at Dashboard > Pages > Add New
    If you have cookies enabled on your browser your preference will be saved unless or until your clear your cookies, and it will take you to the classic editor automatically every time you create a new post via the drop-down menu in the black admin bar or edit a post via the edit button on the blog itself.

    You cannot deactivate the new editor but you do not have to use it. For locating the ways and means of accessing the legacy or classic pages for creating posts, editing posts, and viewing stats see here > Navigating the Classic WordPress.COM interface

    2. Immediately after creating a post and entering a title click the save draft link. Thereafter, “click save draft” frequently.

    3. Always allow pages to fully load before clicking any other links.

    4. Never leave a post or page open for content creation or editing and walk away from it, or open another tab in the same blog and work on something else while it is still open. Save it properly and return to edit it later.

    5. Use an offline blog editor so you have backups on your own computer

    If you were using the android app see and if that does not help then here is the link for Staff help with android issues

    If you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG click and register one on the top right-hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there and make our developers aware of the issue.

  • Thanks for your reply. I have followed the links and posted at as I was using the app.

    Also, the website was not one of the ones listed on my profile. It is
    I have tried to just type that in place of but it doesnt work…. is there a way you could relink me with the other website?

  • is hosted by Unified Layer, not by wordpress.COM
    WHOIS: Click Here
    IP Address:
    Name Servers:

    I have tried to just type that in place of but it doesnt work…. is there a way you could relink me with the other website?

    We provide support only for wordpress.COM hosted sites. Our support docs are only for hosted sites and we do not provide support for
    (1) local installs of wordpress.ORG software on your own server or
    (2) wordpress.ORG software installs on paid hosting, and we do not provide support for them at wordpress.COM.
    (3) Jetpack support for sites linked to wordpress.COM accounts with the Jetpack plugin so they display on the My Sites account page.

    Some Jetpack solutions are here

    Others are in the Jetpack support forum at

    However, if help cannot be found at either one then they can file a Jetpack support ticket here >

    WordPress.COM and WordPress.ORG are completely separate and have different username accounts, logins, features, run different versions of some themes with the same names, and have separate support documentation and separate support forums. Read the differences here

    As you are referring to a site that is not hosted here, and if you don’t have a username account at WordPress.ORG account, then click and register one on the top right-hand corner of the page that opens, so you can post to the support forums there.
    Resetting your WordPress.ORG password support docs are at
    See also

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