Recover Domain Name

  • Hi,

    I purchased a plan and domain name earlier today. Then began to discover tools and features. I realized that it was not the right fit for me. So, I proceeded to cancel the plan immediately. I mistakenly canceled my domain name with it. I have been trying to figure out a way to contact WordPress to recover my domain name, but I didn’t know how. When and how can I get my domain name back? How long do I have to wait to get it back?

    Thank you in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    We can still restore the domain for you. I sent you a payment link via email. Please pay and reply here to let us know so that we can restore the domain for you.

    On a separate note, we’d love to have your website on Would you like to tell us about your site requirements? I’m sorry to hear that wasn’t the right fit for you, but I’d still love to learn more about your site so that I can suggest ways to build it on

    Did you know you could also hire our experts to build the website for you? Check out our website design service if you’re interested!


  • Hello !

    Thank you so much! I went ahead with the payment. Please do let me know when I have access to the domain.

    Regarding my site requirements, I purchased the Creator Plan. After purchasing it I realized some of the features I wanted such as the store theme, were not covered within the plan instead I could purchase it as a plug-in. However, at the moment I cannot afford to spend more on the site and plans. I do appreciate your help.

    Thank you again.

  • Hi there, thanks for letting us know! The Storefront theme can be activated for free on the Creator plan, as well as several other commerce-friendly themes. Perhaps you were referring to a third-party theme for purchase elsewhere? If you were interested, send us an email, and we can help you find an equivalent theme to the one you were looking at.

    In the meantime, I’ve restored your domain, so it’s back in your dashboard! Just remember to verify the domain by clicking the link in the verification email, and you’ll be all set with that.

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