recover deleted media

  • dear wordpress team,
    i accidently deleted a lot of pictures from my mediatheque and can’t find them anymore. please let me know if there is a way to recover them. hope you have an offline server with a backup, even if it’s a few days old, i am devastated my almost five year old blog with a daily picture is ruined. thank you. desperately, sonja

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Images and media you upload into your media library and embed into posts and pages are on wordpress.COM servers. They remain visible unless or until you delete them from your media library. Deleting them from your media library also removes them from every place you embedded them in the blog and leaves behind broken links.

    Staff cannot restore images you delete from your Media Library. You have to upload them all again, and then fix every broken image link in every post/page it was embedded into previously.

    If you upload lots of images you can exhaust that free space allocation quickly. Currently, the only way to get an extra space allocation after you upload the images again, is to purchase an upgrade bundle.

    See here

    To get a specific answer about specific images you need to post the URLs of the images and/or the posts and pages they are in.

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