Recently deleted blog address is unavailable to re-use?

  • Within the past hour I deleted my blog address – – because I wanted the site to be an archive and was going to start fresh.

    I bought a custom domain for my blog – – and registered a new blog which I hoped to use for.

    Now when I try to create a new blog it says that “that site is reserved”. When I try to go to it tells me that it doesn’t exist.

    For now I am using but would like to have back.
    What has happened?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • If you had deleted that address it would show as deleted when you try to open it, not reserved. Unless you had to click past three warning messages and received a confirmation email you haven’t deleted it. I’ll tag this for staff to follow up as they should be able to see if you did own that URL and why you’re now unable to use it. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and be patient while waiting.

    I should also mention, if you have a custom domain the URL of the base blog doesn’t really matter that much as visitors will only see your custom domain as long as you don’t let it expire.

  • Ho lo stesso problema, blog cancellato con conseguente conferma con il link dell’email, ma non mi lascia più riutilizzare l’indirizzo/url per rifare il blog.
    Attendo con ansia notizie.

  • I have the Same Problem, blogs Deleted resulting Confirmation of the email with the link, but I do not Give More to reuse the address / url to remake the blog.
    Look Anxiety News.
    Thank you.

  • If you deleted the blog, you cannot reuse the address. That is why the warnings say deletion is permanent and irreversible. Because it is.

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