Received threatening email through WordPress site

  • Received the following email :
    A new comment on the post ‘Contact Us’ is waiting for your approval



    Can these people be tracked. Is it your responsibility to inform the FBI?

    Please Advise.

    Thank you

    Barry Passen
    Dropoff Central Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @bpassen , we’ve got you covered on security. If the comment was not already detected as spam, please mark it as such so the system will get better at catching them.

    For what it’s worth, by the time you posted here, our system did recognize that content as spam, and moderated your comment. I’ve redacted the message as well as your links for moderating it.

    If you continue to have any issues along those lines even after marking several as spam, please leave the comment in your moderation queue and contact staff to take a look. You’ll want to avoid pasting the spam here. Thanks!

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