received an email that i was subscribed to a blog that I did not request

  • Hello-
    I received this email and had not subscribed to this site. This is one of MY sites, so it is OK, but worried others that visit my site may be getting similar messages. My question is: How did this generate, if I didn’t fill out a request for it?
    Here is the pasted email message:

    Congratulations, you are now subscribed to the site Dallas Hypnotist Valerie Grimes ( and will receive an email notification when a new post is made.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Thanks for your question.

    “” which you say you received the message from and you’re the owner of – is a self-hosted site, the footer says – “2015 Dallas Hypnotist Valerie Grimes · Designed by Press Customizr” … however – a hosted blog would say something like “Blog at The Gazette Theme.”

    This is the forum is for issues originating in hosted blogs/sites, and we can’t help here supporting self-hosted sites. For self-hosted blogs the correct forum is –

    Sometimes the difference is unclear, so this explains the difference between the two –


    Don Charisma

  • Don,
    I appreciate your clearing that up for me.

  • Valerie,

    Of course, you’re welcome, hopefully you can get to the bottom of it :)


    Don Charisma

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