Rebuilding the Temple of GOD

  • If a structure is rebuilt, it means that the structure is probably in ruins. Back in the days of Haggai the prophet. God sent word through Haggai to Zerubbabel the governer of Judah and to Joshua the high priest . Jehovah said that the people have said that it is not yet time to rebuild the house of God and God said: is it time for you yourselves to dwell in your panelled houses while my house is in ruins.

    Let me bring us forward to our present time. God is commanding us to rebuild his house (Understanding that Gods house is in us). Do we say that it is not yet the time, while we’re living in good houses. How very selfish of us to say such things when it is He who has provided us with everything that we have. The only thing He asks in return is for his house to be rebuilt. Remember it is in us that the LORD our GOD dwells, isn’t it fitting for his house to be of magnificient state because he is the KING of KINGS?

    Haggai 1 : 5-6 – It is time for us to give careful thought to our current ways as this is what will happen if we don’t rebuilt the house of God. We have sown alot of seeds but our harvest is little, we eat but never have enough, we drink but we dont have our fill and we earn our wages ut only to put it in pockets with lots of hole in it. It is the Laws of Cause and Effects that comes into place. What is the cause and what are the effects?


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  • How is rebuilding the temple of god a technical support issue? It seems to me this would be a Google issue.

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